Lidia is a third-year Computer Science student interested in human-computer interaction, software engineer, and web development.
As a student at the University of Alberta, she strives to grow personally and professionally taking advantage of every opportunity she is presented with.
She is an active member of her community for which she has volunteered for many non-profit organizations focused on promoting diversity at her university.
Tabla de Posiciones
July 2019
The user creates a soccer standing table inputing the Wins, Losses, Draws, Goals For, and Goals Against. It calculates the total points and the Goal Difference.
Current version only in Spanish
Check it out on here
Grade Calculator
May 2019
It calculates the overall grade percentage saving the user from doing any math! It provides a user-friendly interface where you can input the name of your assignment such as midterms, finals, and assignments.
Check it out on here
Current version in English and Spanish
Tip Calculator
May 2019
It calculates the tip that can be shared. Idea extracted from Carolyn Hemmings but implemented by Lidia Ataupillco Ramos.
Check it out on here
Open Crime Data in Edmonton
April 2019
A command line interface to analyze open data extracted from Edmonton Open Data website providing four functionalities.
Make you laugh
HackEd January 2019
Created a website with a group of five people which focuses on mental health, and contains carefully selected contents (jokes, music, tips) to make people laugh. Collaborated with 4 other people.
For more information, check Lidia's Github